"A Brief Word Concerning Publicity & Publishing"
Introspective by nature, but conversely forced
at times to become self-promoting is an unpleasant and uncomfortable
dichotomy for the artist. The work speaks for itself. However, besides
painting a pretty picture and serving human interest, publicity can
opt as the timely documentation of a career. A form of credentials if
you will. A recognition needed and appreciated in the artist is essential
to understand that he has a long history in the graphic carving of glass
and crystal.
The complete long story of a life is at times passed by for various
reasons, sometimes certain details are unpleasant, too technical, or
just plain boring.
Choosing to overcome these difficulties with a "Spectacular Pictorial"
of a career more than four decades long, with tales of enlightening
value and amusement, the possibility is kept open for something of book
form in the future. Yet, on the other hand, in looking and giving up
looking for an appropriate publisher, the artist has turned down enough
offers of dubious merit to concede a book may never go to print unless
by unorthodox approach. This remains to be seen...hence this website.
Please stay tuned.
"People are always stopping to look"
"It's something not everyone has yet"
Virginia Beach Beacon........ Melinda Forbes
Virginia Beach Virginia........ July 23, 1976
"A unique kind of look"
The New York Times........... Ron Alexander
New York City & Beyond..... July 10, 1978
Stars & Stripes
International Armed Forces............ 1978
Clearwater Sun
Clearwater, Florida............ July 16, 1978
Winston-Salem Journal
North Carolina............................... 1978
Trends "Robb Rich is a front line practitioner"
Motor Magazine
National............................ October 1978
"Robb Rich is a leader in this blossoming field"
Car & Driver Magazine
National......................... November 1978
"A final touch that turns heads in Beverly Hills & Hollywood"
Glass Digest Magazine.. Robert A. Latimer
National............................. July 15, 1979
"It's etching that Rich is devoting his talents to"
St. Louis Post-Dispatch....... Becky Homan
Sunday Magazine
St. Louis, Missouri............ March 14, 1982
"He's one of the best in the country" says the famous George Barris,
Barris Kustom
North Hollywood, California
The Record.......................... Michael Kelly
North Jersey...................... April 19, 1983
"Car windows have become a canvas for flights of artistic expression"
Automotive News................ John Russell
National Magazine............. June 27, 1983
"He hasn't gone the traditional route"
The Record......................... Allan Richter
North Jersey....................... April 1, 1987
"The antithesis of the mass production gift shops"
A&E Awards & Engraving........ K Schipper
National Magazine.................. June 1996
"Rich dexterously makes fluid lines across its pristine surface"
Twin Boro News......... Robert C. Frederick
North Jersey...................... July 30, 2003
New Jersey People.............. Robert Miller
New York Metro Area...................... 1985
Auble at Large....................... John Auble
St. Louis Metro Area....................... 1982
W.V.E.C. News.................. Polly Kreisman
Tidewater Virginia Metro Area.......... 1983